

VOODOO MAGIC! Voodoo for the fulfillment of Your desires through initiation into the EGREGORE VOODOO. This magic is very strong in terms of wish fulfillment, really old for her according to various sources, about 5,000 years. Tradition has different directions, running through the SPIRITS, who fulfill their desire through offerings. VOODOO is widespread in Africa and the Caribbean, BUT! TOTAL magic AFRICAN VOODOO; the CONGO; BENIN; GHANA; North and Latin America: the United States (e.g., New Orleans); CUBA; HAITI form on the thin plan of EGREGOR - the EGREGORE VOODOO. He decides CH s ?-s and obey him all the SPIRITS of VOODOO. The dedication gives the connection with this MAGICAL GIANT WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES. For three days there is a powerful cleansing and opening the 3 lower chakras: Muladhara; swadhisthana; manipura, this is one of the STRONG PUMPING of the LOWER CHAKRAS PROVIDES the MAGICAL POWER ADEPT of VOODOO and provides the ability to QUICKLY FULFILL THEIR DESIRES, any desires for 9-40 days and even faster.scope: attract money; attract good luck; sex (increased potency; to be held in high esteem with the opposite sex; the sexual charisma and magnetism); the development of and pumping ENERGY of MULADHARA, SVADHISTHANA; MANIPURA, which gives perfect HEALTH and MAGICAL POWER, the development of the WILL; the MENTAL LEVEL of CONSCIOUSNESS, partially subconscious.3 days in a row remote initiation : 1 day cleanse; day 2: configure the EGREGORE VOODOO day 3: strengthening the COMMUNICATION CHANNEL WITH the EGREGORE VOODOO 100%, i.e. in 2 TIMES ; 50 thousand roubles with the right of others to devote
WITHOUT the RIGHTS of OTHERS to devote to the EGREGORE VOODOO INITIATIONS PRICE of 40 thousand rubles

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