on-lain with egregor zoroastrizma
Conditions of receipt of the ritual: 1) Initiation Egregor Zoroastrianism Mikhail 2) obtaining ritual "Master-class of Zoroastrianism" Mikhail http://vipzoro.ru/viewtopic.php?id=4#p1199
This ritual has no analogues in the world, my author's development. Is 1 day, 1 time. This is the MOST important RITUAL of a SERIES of HIGH MAGIC of ZOROASTRIANISM! The purpose and result of the ritual:to ESTABLISH an online connection with the Egregor of Zoroastrianism, without intermediaries in the form of religion, worship, mages and priests of Zoroastrianism. After the ritual is initiated in the Ordinance has access DIRECTLY to the very oldest MAGICAL Egregor of the Earth, cat 4,5 thousand years, and whose POWER with g increased in 2 times on the predictions of the end of the 20th century in connection with the advent of Fire (see books Abakirova Cosmoenergy on the topic Zoro-where all are described in detail).
What makes the passage ritual? ALL, to be agreed with the Egregor of Zoroastrianism....Example: are Zoro-12 channels, You will have access to ordinary members of the elite club,i.e. you one of the thousands of suffering,petitioners received the ritual 100% increase in all channels (master-class by Zoro), you already-top-Manager, i.e. receive privileges compared to other connected to agregoro Zoroastrianism, and You already know in person and quickly respond to Your requests-2P faster!And having received the ritual of HIGHER MAGIC ZORO You already as the President of the company, i.e. above You-only the owner of the company,- in our case is the EGREGOR of ZOROASTRIANISM!Of course - this Royal benefits for You and a great help for the material and spiritual life!
The ritual is VERY POWERFUL, for this reason within 7 days before payment agree with me about wanting it to pass. WITHOUT the right to ordain others to this level of Zoroastrianism are 4 EMPOWERMENT
Conditions of receipt of the ritual: 1) Initiation Egregor Zoroastrianism Mikhail 2) obtaining ritual "Master-class of Zoroastrianism" Mikhail http://vipzoro.ru/viewtopic.php?id=4#p1199
This ritual has no analogues in the world, my author's development. Is 1 day, 1 time. This is the MOST important RITUAL of a SERIES of HIGH MAGIC of ZOROASTRIANISM! The purpose and result of the ritual:to ESTABLISH an online connection with the Egregor of Zoroastrianism, without intermediaries in the form of religion, worship, mages and priests of Zoroastrianism. After the ritual is initiated in the Ordinance has access DIRECTLY to the very oldest MAGICAL Egregor of the Earth, cat 4,5 thousand years, and whose POWER with g increased in 2 times on the predictions of the end of the 20th century in connection with the advent of Fire (see books Abakirova Cosmoenergy on the topic Zoro-where all are described in detail).
What makes the passage ritual? ALL, to be agreed with the Egregor of Zoroastrianism....Example: are Zoro-12 channels, You will have access to ordinary members of the elite club,i.e. you one of the thousands of suffering,petitioners received the ritual 100% increase in all channels (master-class by Zoro), you already-top-Manager, i.e. receive privileges compared to other connected to agregoro Zoroastrianism, and You already know in person and quickly respond to Your requests-2P faster!And having received the ritual of HIGHER MAGIC ZORO You already as the President of the company, i.e. above You-only the owner of the company,- in our case is the EGREGOR of ZOROASTRIANISM!Of course - this Royal benefits for You and a great help for the material and spiritual life!
The ritual is VERY POWERFUL, for this reason within 7 days before payment agree with me about wanting it to pass. WITHOUT the right to ordain others to this level of Zoroastrianism are 4 EMPOWERMENT
New price zoro
from December 1, 2014, the price for the empowerment egregor Zoroastrizm http://vipzoro.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2 will increase in 2 times and will make 99.900 rubles. until December 1, 2014 price 55.500 rubles
Act! mik6724@yandex.ru
Act! mik6724@yandex.ru
УЧЕНИЧЕСТВО+ потенциальные клиенты, возрадуемся! выложил для скачивания БЕЗ ОПЛАТЫ АВЕСТИЙСКАЯ ДУХОВНАЯ ТРАДИЦИЯ (релизы), всем радости и добра: https://yadi.sk/i/UqbmcYcDXHrE2
весь зороастризм в одном файле без оплаты
презентую БЕЗ ОПЛАТЫ ДЛЯ СКАЧИВАНИЯ,- все посвящения зороастризма в одном файле (релиз посвящений, НО! авестийская духовная традиция зороастризма так же скоро выйдет для бесплатного скачивания, приятного чтения, с уважением, МИХАИЛ РА
master - class by Zoroastrizm become stronger than any mage MASTER-CLASS ON ZOROASTRISM - BECOME STRONGER than ANY MAGE:
IT DOES NO one in RUSSIA, and probably in the world.... it is a very ancient and sacred Knowledge of the highest caste of Priests of Ancient Persia. Before the Priest having only one this ritual could do nothing at all, "not work" magically because it gave ALL and any number of them is money, full lifetime supply of food, clothing, etc, etc. STRONGER THIS RITUAL in ZOROASTRIANISM, EVEN I don'T KNOW!
So what now offer a simpler and even profitable option FOR MY clients and Students
This ritual is held 1 time 1 day 1 session and I spend increasing Your Portal Zoroastrianism Kosmoenergetiki, closing magical Fire on the Initiate, giving him the new spiritual and magical momentum, cat. will give You NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND MAGICAL POWER. Strengthening happens all 12 channels of Zoroastrianism on 100%, that in 2 times. What it gives and why You need it? You become stronger than any mage school of cosmoenergy who received initiation IN ALL 12 channels (editor's note - many schools now have for years given only 9 channels Zoro and thus you don't have what should be spelled out in your matrix that is obvious and clearly, will and efficiency of Your practice to reduce). By and large, the ritual of "FIRE POWER:BECOME STRONGER than ANY MAGICIAN takes You from the periphery all Dedicate to Zoroastrianism to the center before the Egregor that we need to make sure You get in the forefront of all the good things of life: spiritual and materialisation the opening of the SUPER-powers after going through this ritual! After the ritual establishing a reliable communication channel that no one is able to OVERLAP, with the Egregor of Zoroastrianism and the ENERGY of FIRE. Thus Your work with fire in drdracula and practices is now the most powerful.
MASTER-CLASS of ZOROASTRIANISM "BECOME STRONGER than ANY of the MAGICIAN" I spend only for those who have ALREADY passed the time between channels Zoro after the bestowal of MICHAEL. The practice of ritual requires me the cost of psychic energy, not hurry here, so literally 7 days before PAYMENT let me anticipated day for the ritual.+ secret bonus in PRACTICE ZOROASTRIANISM level: "nowhere is it to buy at any price"
ACT RIGHT NOW! 3 mysteries:day 1: energisers cleansing channel of priestly portal of Zoroastrianism: preparation of the adept to dedication!+ 2 DEDICATION. total: 3 DAYS in a ROW dedication lasts
WITHOUT the right to ordain other REMOTE INITIATION
The SERVICE is PROVIDED BY 100% advance payment. mik6724@yandex.ru
IT DOES NO one in RUSSIA, and probably in the world.... it is a very ancient and sacred Knowledge of the highest caste of Priests of Ancient Persia. Before the Priest having only one this ritual could do nothing at all, "not work" magically because it gave ALL and any number of them is money, full lifetime supply of food, clothing, etc, etc. STRONGER THIS RITUAL in ZOROASTRIANISM, EVEN I don'T KNOW!
So what now offer a simpler and even profitable option FOR MY clients and Students
This ritual is held 1 time 1 day 1 session and I spend increasing Your Portal Zoroastrianism Kosmoenergetiki, closing magical Fire on the Initiate, giving him the new spiritual and magical momentum, cat. will give You NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND MAGICAL POWER. Strengthening happens all 12 channels of Zoroastrianism on 100%, that in 2 times. What it gives and why You need it? You become stronger than any mage school of cosmoenergy who received initiation IN ALL 12 channels (editor's note - many schools now have for years given only 9 channels Zoro and thus you don't have what should be spelled out in your matrix that is obvious and clearly, will and efficiency of Your practice to reduce). By and large, the ritual of "FIRE POWER:BECOME STRONGER than ANY MAGICIAN takes You from the periphery all Dedicate to Zoroastrianism to the center before the Egregor that we need to make sure You get in the forefront of all the good things of life: spiritual and materialisation the opening of the SUPER-powers after going through this ritual! After the ritual establishing a reliable communication channel that no one is able to OVERLAP, with the Egregor of Zoroastrianism and the ENERGY of FIRE. Thus Your work with fire in drdracula and practices is now the most powerful.
MASTER-CLASS of ZOROASTRIANISM "BECOME STRONGER than ANY of the MAGICIAN" I spend only for those who have ALREADY passed the time between channels Zoro after the bestowal of MICHAEL. The practice of ritual requires me the cost of psychic energy, not hurry here, so literally 7 days before PAYMENT let me anticipated day for the ritual.+ secret bonus in PRACTICE ZOROASTRIANISM level: "nowhere is it to buy at any price"
ACT RIGHT NOW! 3 mysteries:day 1: energisers cleansing channel of priestly portal of Zoroastrianism: preparation of the adept to dedication!+ 2 DEDICATION. total: 3 DAYS in a ROW dedication lasts
WITHOUT the right to ordain other REMOTE INITIATION
The SERVICE is PROVIDED BY 100% advance payment. mik6724@yandex.ru
мой авторский без оплаты экспресс-отчет ТАЙНЫ ЗОРОАСТРИЗМА
(см пост за сегодня, т.е это последний пост на момент публикации этого письма)
мой авторский без оплаты экспресс-отчет ТАЙНЫ ЗОРОАСТРИЗМА
(см пост за сегодня, т.е это последний пост на момент публикации этого письма)
славяно-арийский эгрегор: СЕНСАЦИЯ
Данный ритуал проводится с целью стать денежным магнитом и получить ДЕНЕЖНУЮ УДАЧУ, заложитьпрочный фундамент для своего БЛАГОСОСТОЯНИЯ. Проводится ритуал ВУДУ с помощью БАРОНА САМЕДИ, его СИЛА И ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ БЕЗГРАНИЧНЫ В СРАВНЕНИИ С МАГАМИ, йогами, парапсихологами и биоэнергетиками, ДЕЙСТВУЕТ ЖЕСТКО; БЫСТРО; ПО МУЛАДХАРНОМУ; ТРЕБУЕТ ПОЧТЕНИЯ И ПОДНОШЕНИЙ; СВОИХ АДЕПТОВ ОБЕСПЕЧИВАЕТ СЛАВОЙ И БОГАТСТВОМ ПРИ ЖИЗНИ!!! НАДЕЛЯЕТ ХАРИЗМОЙ, УСПЕХОВ И ПОЧЕТОМ У ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНОГО ПОЛА, НЕ ЗНАЕТ ПОЩАДЫ К ВРАГАМ, т.е Ваши деньги будут еще и защищены от поползновений недругов; черных магов; конкурентов. ЭТОТ РИТУАЛ- САКРАЛЬНАЯ МАГИЯ ВУДУ! Не связана с походами на кладбище и жертвоприношением животных. 1 день подготовка к ритуалу; 2 день: РИТУАЛ ДЕНЕЖНЫЙ МАГНИТ ВУДУ- БАРОН САМЕДИ. 13 тыс руб майл mik6724@yandex.ru ОТЗЫВ В ЭТОЙ ТЕМЕ ПОСЛЕ РИТУАЛА
возможность сэкономить 33.300 на вуду посвящениях
возможность сэкономить 33.300 на вуду посвящениях
2 посвящения в зороастризм по цене 1-го
Сегодня и до 11 июля стартует АКЦИЯ : при оплате одного посвящения в эгрегорный зороастризм 2-ой ПОРТАЛ ЗОРОАСТРИЗМА Вы получаете в подарок. запись через ЛС или майл: mik6724@yandex.ru
Сегодня и до 11 июля стартует АКЦИЯ : при оплате одного посвящения в эгрегорный зороастризм 2-ой ПОРТАЛ ЗОРОАСТРИЗМА Вы получаете в подарок. запись через ЛС или майл: mik6724@yandex.ru
99.900 за посвящение в зороастризм
скоро цена за посвящение в 12 каналов зороастризма повысится в 2 раза с 55.500 до 99.900, пройти посвящение до повышения цены можно ЗДЕСЬ (есть отзыв!)
посвящение в славяно-арийский эгрегор http://vipzoro.ru/viewtopic.php?id=34
посвящение в славяно-арийский эгрегор http://vipzoro.ru/viewtopic.php?id=34
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